The Unknown Critic

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I do not call myself "The Unknown Critic" because I love to complain.
Actually, it is quite the opposite. I quite enjoy being able to voice my opinion and get someone else's viewpoint as well. Not a bitch session mind you but respectful conversation.
I simply love to tell it like I see it, not that I am always right mind you, because this is a very big world, with very varied viewpoints and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

I am just here to give you my opinion, that's if thats ok with you
If it's not ok, then please by all means stop right here!
After all that's the whole point of my blog isn't it?

Quite honestly, I had virtually no specific ideas in mind for this blog initially when I signed up for it. I was going to start off slowly and post some blogs here about the area where I call home, that area is in sunny San Diego, California.

Well, after some careful consideration, I threw that idea out the window.......

After some conversations with my wife over dinner one evening, I decided to blog about issues that were more important to both my family and myself.

I hope to post some weekly blogs and I hope they interest you enough to subscribe to them.
I will enjoy listening to opinions that differ from mine, or those that may agree with mine, as long as those opinions are written in a professional manner.

Hope you enjoy the reading and hope to hear from you soon! Post # 1 begins on Saturday Feb 23, 2008.


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